African Site Managers Network (ASMN)

African Site Managers Network (ASMN)

African Site Managers Network (ASMN)


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Building a common vision of UNESCO World Heritage in Africa (First Interim Committee meeting in Benin)

UNESCO is committed to strengthening the management of African World Heritage sites by building the capacity of African World Heritage site managers – as embodied by its newly-launched Flagship Programme on “Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development” in...

Building a common vision of UNESCO World Heritage in Africa

UNESCO is committed to strengthening the management of African World Heritage sites by building the capacity of African World Heritage site managers – as embodied by its newly-launched Flagship Programme on “Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development” in...

World Heritage sites in Africa and celebration days

The Africa continent has 54 States Parties of the World Heritage Convention and there are currently 139 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. Each year, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list or...

Elections held for Africa Site Managers Network

In the Framework of Priority Africa, UNESCO intends to empower African institutions and professionals to safeguard better and promote UNESCO World Heritage properties on the Continent. Capacity development is, therefore, one of the hallmarks of the new Strategy...

Call for Application for the 5th World Heritage Site Managers’ Forum

“Managing World Heritage for the Next 50 Years” The Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by the National Committee and the Heritage Commission alongside with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and IUCN, in...

Building a common vision of UNESCO World Heritage in Africa (First Interim Committee meeting in Benin)

UNESCO is committed to strengthening the management of African World Heritage sites by building the capacity of African World Heritage site managers – as embodied by its newly-launched Flagship Programme on “Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development” in...

Building a common vision of UNESCO World Heritage in Africa

UNESCO is committed to strengthening the management of African World Heritage sites by building the capacity of African World Heritage site managers – as embodied by its newly-launched Flagship Programme on “Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development” in...

World Heritage sites in Africa and celebration days

The Africa continent has 54 States Parties of the World Heritage Convention and there are currently 139 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. Each year, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list or...