The African Site Managers Network (ASMN) is composed of an Interim Committee of 15 elected site managers of the Africa region which include a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The network aims to enable managers of World Heritage sites in Africa to share their experiences and improve their capacity to implement the 1972 World Heritage Convention and the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of that Convention.
To this end, five facilitators (African World Heritage site managers) have been identified and facilitated the establishment of an Interim Committee composed of 15 site managers representing the five sub-regions. One of the core functions of the Interim Committee is to favour the setup of a permanent steering committee made up of elected representatives of African site managers, to ensure the proper conduct of programs and activities, including dissemination of information, capacity building and fundraising for the sustainability of the network.
The ASMN seeks to work for a better promotion, representation and conservation of the world heritage sites in the Africa region for the benefit of the present and future generations.
The ASMN functions as a regional networking platform and works in close collaboration and in partnership with the African States Parties, the African World Heritage Fund, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the field offices in Africa to achieve the following: